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Property Tax Information

The DuPage County Clerk's office is responsible for calculating property tax rates for all taxing districts in DuPage County. To perform these calculations, Illinois State Statute requires each taxing district to file certain documents with the County Clerk.

The following documents are being made available to the public via the Property Tax Document Portal.

Local Government Bonds

Local government bonds, whose payment is funded through property taxes, are filed in the County Clerk's office.  These bond ordinances contain the levy amount to be collected each year, along with a maturity schedule of payments.

Abatement of Taxes

Illinois State Statute allows taxing districts to abate or ask for less money to be collected from their tax and/or bond levy schedule.  Local taxing districts must file an abatement of taxes in the County Clerk's office before the tax rates are finalized.

Tax Levy

The tax levy is an annual document that states how much money a taxing district is requesting to be collected from property taxes.  Illinois State Statute requires the levy to be filed in the County Clerk's office by the last Tuesday in December.

Tax Extension Worksheets

The DuPage County Clerk's office is responsible for calculating property tax rates for all taxing districts in DuPage County. The tax extension worksheet contains the district value, rates and extensions.

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